Wow did not know we could submit requests

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This was fun to read. Now really thinking about what hard-to-find fashion item I have been coveting that I can request your services for.

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I can't wait for another mission, it was like the best week ever.

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Apr 30Liked by Best Friends

Is this request thing open to anyone? I’ve been digging into a childhood favorite recently, paper dolls. It feels somewhat related, fashion and vintage. I called my mom today to see if she could find the only set I remember keeping, no news so far, but I’d probably shell out for a fun American Doll kit if there’s one on Ebay!

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Ooo interesting! I used to play w my mom’s paper dolls from the 60s. I should check to see if she still has them. I can definitely start researching this!

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Apr 12Liked by Best Friends

I feel like Elastigirls entire look was based on that last pair

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Apr 10Liked by Best Friends

And just like that I remember I have a pair of frames from high school somewhere… v popular in Italy!

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Oh I wonder what style they are and if you’ll wear them again

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This is the type of fashion commitment I crave! Thank you for doing us all this favour😍

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Haha you are too kind!! Glad you enjoyed.

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Apr 8Liked by Best Friends

Omg this is amazing

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Apr 7Liked by Best Friends

This is so good. I need a few of these glasses

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The movie holds up too—much more than others from that time period 😂rewatched on a flight recently

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So great! I was never a mega fan but I sure had fun learning about all the costume design. Was probably too caught up in watching Bridget Jones’s diary for the 100th time 😂

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Apr 8Liked by Best Friends

lol that is just below sound of music for my top movie!!! I’m due for a rewatch

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Kindred spirits 👯‍♀️

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